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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

We understand that some children will require a little extra help or support during their school life and, at Thornton Hough, we strive to provide an environment where all children are given the support and assistance required to enable them to flourish. 

Our approach to supporting pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) embraces the principles of the Children and Families Act 2014 and the accompanying  Code of Practice.

All children within our school are given access to a broad and balanced curriculum differentiated to suit all abilities and learning styles. We have a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (Mr S Roberts) who is responsible for the day to day co-ordination of the school’s policy and a Special Educational Needs Governor (Mr D Boodaghians-Nolan) who reports back to the full governing body.

Staff receive relevant and regular training to ensure that the individual needs of all children in our school are catered for and we involve outside agencies where necessary for specialist support. Many of our children with Special Needs receive additional support through carefully planned interventions delivered by both teachers and teaching assistants. We liaise with parents at all stages and value the partnership between home and school greatly in supporting every child to fulfil their true potential.  

At Thornton Hough we are proud of our facilities and we are wheelchair accessible. We always endeavour to ensure that all children are treated equally and every step is taken to include and make all areas of school life, curriculum and facilities, available to all.

Parents wishing to have more details about any aspect of provision for Special Needs should read the schools SEN Information report or visit the Wirral Local Offer Website (Links provided below). Any further details are also available in person from the Headteacher or SENCO.

Please follow the link below to access the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Report for 2024-25.


Other useful links

 Below are links to other useful websites which provide advice, support and information for families of young people with SEND. 


Family Toolbox 


  Family Toolbox provides tips and tools for family life and includes a wide variety of tools, resources and              support for all families. It provides information about a vast range of topics including: Tricky Behaviour, Family        Life, Your Child's development and Looking after yourself.     



Wirral SEND Partnership 


     Wirral SEND Partnership (SEND Information,Advice and Support Service) provides free and confidential                  impartial information, advice and support to disabled children and young people, and those with SEN, and             their parents. Wirral SEND Partnership also covers other issues related to special educational                               needs and disabilities (SEND) such as health and social care issues.




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