Welcome to Year Two!
Spring Term Headlines
- Reading books and red reading records are to be in school every day please.
- PE kits are to be in school every day. Our PE lessons this term are on Monday and Thursday, however these may change on occasions.
- Water bottles will be sent home every Friday.
- Coat/raincoat to be brought into school everyday.
For more information about what the children will be learning about in the different subjects over the Spring Term please click on the document below:
Important dates
Return to school- Tuesday 7th January
Great Fire of London Workshop at school- Tuesday 28th January
You can find out more about our curriculum this term in the Curriculum Information below.
Children in Need 2024
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed spending the day dressed in their pyjamas to raise money for Children in Need!

Daily Essentials:
- Practise counting in 2,3,5,and 10's forwards and backward from 0
- number bonds to 10, 20 and 100
- halving and doubling
Suggested website to practise times tables, counting, number bonds halves and doubles: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
- This website has interactive games that are specific to Year 2 spelling: https://spellingframe.co.uk/
- Year Two Common Exception words are also freely available on this link: https://cdn.oxfordowl.co.uk/2019/08/29/13/50/37/10bf76a2-c1dd-42e6-88af-0686acd91609/CommonExceptionWords_Y2.p
- Please continue to listen to your child reading a range of texts. (fiction, non-fiction and poetry)
- A Year 2 book list is can be found on this website: https://www.booksfortopics.com/year-2