Welcome to Year 1
Spring Term Headlines
- Please see our Curriculum Information for details of our curriculum this term (attached below).
- Reading books and red reading records are to be in school every day please.
- PE kits are to be in school every day. Our PE lessons are on Tuesday and Friday. PE socks to be sent in as part of PE kits for children who wear tights
- Water bottles will be sent home every Friday
Key Dates
You can find out more about our curriculum this term in the Curriculum Information below.
Daily Essentials
- Please read your child's phonics reading book with them each day. Any extra reading you can do with your child at home would be most beneficial. This could include a range of non-fiction and fiction books as well as poems.
- Please see a list of Year 1 recommended reads below.
- We are focussing on number formation and place value within 20 and then 50.
- Please practise number formation with your child.
- Counting forwards and backwards from any given number. A good resource to select a given number can be accessed here: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/paint-the-square
- Practise writing simple sentences with your child. This can be as simple as what you are going to be doing that day. You can write a sentence from a picture from your favourite book, or any book that you have at home.
- Building on from Autumn term, where we focussed on using capital letters; finger spaces; full stops in the correct place and reading their own work back to check that it makes sense we will be punctuating using exclamation and question marks.
- This term we will also be joining words and clauses using and.
- Please practise letter formation with your child.
Thornton Manor Visit
World Book Day 2025
Chinese Lunar New Year
We had a vistor called Clare come and visit our class. She spoke to us in Cantonese and some of class could understand her and could talk back in Cantonese. Wow! She read a story in Cantonese whilst Miss Kelly read it in English. The story taught us how the traditions of Chinese New Year came to be. We were able to try on traditional Chinese clothing. We were able to be the lion in a lion dance costume whist other children made loud noises for the lion to dance to using musical instruments. The children listened really well and enjoyed learning more about Chinese culture.
Children's Mental Health Week - dress for you personality
Christmas Jumper Day and Rudolph Run

Children In Need 2024
First Week in Year 1
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