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Welcome to Year 1 


Summer Term Headlines

  • Please see our Curriculum Information for details of our curriculum this term (attached below). 
  • Reading books and red reading records are to be in school every day please.
  • PE kits are to be in school every day. Our PE lessons are on Tuesday and Friday. The days may vary as we make the most of the weather to get outside. Later in the term, we will go to the Village Green for some of our lessons.
  • Water bottles will be sent home every Friday

Key Dates

Mon 6th May              May Day Bank Holiday 

Fri 24th May               Break up for Half Term 

               HALF TERM

Mon 3rd June                 Staff development day (Children not in)

Tues 4th June                 Children return to school 

w/c Mon 10th June          Phonics check week for Year 1  

Thurs 20th Jun             Claremont Farm Trip (pm)

w/c Mon 24th June        Diversity Week

Tues 25th June              KS1 Sports Day (1.30pm Village Green for parents to watch) reserve day 2/7/24

Wed 26th June              Class Photos

Wed 3rd July                Year 1 Class Assembly 

Fri 5th July                  PTA Summer Event at Brimstage Maze

Fri 12th July                Reports to parents 

Thurs 18th July           Musical Evening in School 6:30pm 

Tues 23rd July             Final Day of School Year  


You can find out more about our curriculum this term in the Curriculum Information below.

Daily Essentials


  • Please read your child's phonics reading book with them each day. Any extra reading you can do with your child at home would be most beneficial. This could include a range of non-fiction and fiction books as well as poems. 
  • Please see a list of Year 1 recommended reads below. 
  • Phonics screening check words will be sent home for extra practise. 


  • We are continuing to focus on number formation and place value with 50.
  • Please practise number formation with your child. 
  • Counting forwards and backwards from any given number. A good resource to select a given number can be accessed here: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/paint-the-square


  • Practise writing simple sentences with your child. This can be as simple as what you are going to be doing that day. You can write a sentence from a picture from your favourite book, or any book that you have at home. 
  • This term we are focusing on capital letters, finger spaces, full stops in the correct place and reading their own work back to check that it makes sense. 
  • Please practise letter formation with your child. 

Year 1 Trip to Claremont Farm

Smoothie Making in DT

Easter Bonnet Parade - March 2024

Year 1 visit Thornton Manor March 2024

World Book Day 2024

Geography Fieldwork - February 2024

Chinese New Year Workshop

Year 1 Christmas Party Day

First Day in Year 1 September 2023

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