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Welcome to Year 3 


Summer Term Headlines 

  • Reading books and red reading records are to be in school everyday please.
  • PE kits are to be in school everyday. Our PE lessons this half term are on Tuesday and Thursday, however these may change on occasions.
  • We will be going to the Village Green for some of our PE lessons so please ensure your child has trainers in school.
  • Water bottles to be brought into school everyday, they will all be sent home on Fridays.
  • As you know our British weather is very unpredictable, so please always send your child to school with a raincoat.  
  • As the weather gets warmer, please apply sun tan lotion before school and send in a sun hat to stay in school if possible.
  • Fruit or vegetables can be brought in to be eaten for snack at morning playtime. 
  • Curriculum information for the Summer term is below in the documents list 

Key Dates

 Monday 6th May   May Day Bank Holiday

Wednesday 8th May  Parents Online Safety Workshop (4-4:45pm)

Friday 24th May   Break up for Half Term 


Mon 3rd June   Staff Development Day (children not in)

 Tues 4th June   Children return to school 

W/c Mon 24th June  Diversity week

Mon 24th June    KS 2 Sports Day (1.30pm -Village Green for parents to watch ) reserve day  1/7/24

Tues 25th June    KS 1 Sports Day (1.30pm -Village Green for parents to watch ) reserve day  2/7/24

Wed 26th June   Class Photos

Thurs 27th June   School Disco

Thurs 27th June   Diversity workshops with Mental Health Support Team

 Fri 5th July   Year 2/3 football tournament at Poulton Lancelyn

Fri 5th July   PTA Summer Fayre at Brimstage Maze   

 Tues 9th July   Year 3/4 tag rugby at Anselmians (after school)

 Fri 12th July   Reports to Parents

Wed 17th July  YEAR 3 Ukulele concert at 11am 

Thurs 18th July    Musical Evening in School 6.30pm 

Tues 23rd July   Final Day of School Year 

Daily Essentials.

Times Tables - Please practise your times tables focusing on improving the efficiency of your answers. The aim is for all children in Year 3 to know the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 times tables by the end of the year. Suggested websites include Hit the Button and Daily 10 (both found on Top Marks) and Monster Multiplication and Multiplication check (both found on Purple Mash) . We also recommend the apps 1 Minute Maths White Rose and DK Times Tables. We have weekly tests to identify times tables that can be improved with targeted intervention. Children should practise using whichever method works best for them. We also like to sing along to the times table songs on Supermovers the website is below.


Spelling - Please learn your spellings which are tested every three weeks in school.  We will recommend a range of different activities to help with learning spellings but it is important that you find an activity that works for you. Below is a website with some fun activities to practise your Year 3 spellings.


Reading - Please read regularly, both aloud to an adult and to yourself. Please read a range of different styles of texts. Below is a recommeded reading list for Year 3 children. If you finish your school reading book read a book from home, or you could even listen to  an audio book. 


Practise forming your letters correctly and the handwriting joins on the handwiting paper using the handwriting guide in the documents section. 


Year 3 enjoyed investigating watercolours and their use in other cultures. They experimented with different watercolour techniques and processes to create their own 'Koi Fish' artwork. Aren't they wonderful?

Easter 2024

World Book Day 2024

Ukelele lessons

Year 3 are really enjoying learning to play the ukulele with Mr Harper. 

Burwardsley trip Jan 2024

We had such a lovely day exploring the Stone age, Bronze age and Iron age . 

DT- Healthy Wrap designing and making

As part of our DT unit Year 3  designed and made healthy wraps. They also designed and made the packaging to put them in.  Don't they look fabulous?

Christmas 2023

We really enjoyed our Christmas play and Christmas activities. 

Tennis taster

Year 3 had a lovely time developing their tennis skills with a tennis coach. 

Art- Figure drawing

We worked really hard on our artwork taking inspiration from the artist 'Joan Eardley', whose art captured the figures and characters of street children. We hope you like them. 

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