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Welcome to Year 3 - 2024 - 2025.

Autumn 2 Term Headlines 

  • Reading books and red reading records are to be in school everyday please.
  • Guided Reading is on a Friday. Please send in red reading records.
  • PE kits are to be in school everyday. Our PE lessons this half term are on Monday and Tuesday, however these may change on occasions.
  • Swimming will start on Tuesday 5th November for 6 weeks. 
  • Water bottles to be brought into school everyday, they will all be sent home on Fridays.
  • As you know our British weather is very unpredictable, so please always send your child to school with a raincoat.  
  • Fruit or vegetables can be brought in to be eaten for snack at morning playtime. 

Key Dates

Mon 4th Nov           Children return to school

Mon 4th Nov           Flu Nasal Vaccination

Tues 5th Nov          Cauliflower cards artwork deadline

Tues 5th Nov        Swimming starts for Year 3 & 4

w/b Mon 11th Nov    Anti-Bullying Week

Fri 6th Dec              PTA Christmas Fair

Fri 13th Dec            Christmas Jumper Day and Lapland Run

Tues 17th Dec          Christmas Play - 2pm

Wed 18th Dec          Christmas Play 2pm and 6:30pm

Thurs 19th Dec         Christmas Dinner

Fri 20th Dec             Christmas Assembly in Church – 9:15am

Fri 20th Dec             Christmas Party pm

Fri 20th Dec             Break up for Christmas


Daily Essentials.

Times Tables - Please practise your times tables focusing on improving the efficiency of your answers. The aim is for all children in Year 3 to know the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 times tables by the end of the year. Suggested websites include Hit the Button and Daily 10 (both found on Top Marks) and Monster Multiplication and Multiplication check (both found on Purple Mash) . We also recommend the apps 1 Minute Maths White Rose and DK Times Tables. We have weekly tests to identify times tables that can be improved with targeted intervention. Children should practise using whichever method works best for them. We also like to sing along to the times table songs on Supermovers the website is below.


Spelling - Please learn your spellings which are tested every three weeks in school.  We will recommend a range of different activities to help with learning spellings but it is important that you find an activity that works for you. Below is a website with some fun activities to practise your Year 3 spellings.


Reading - Please read regularly, both aloud to an adult and to yourself. Please read a range of different styles of texts. Below is a recommeded reading list for Year 3 children. If you finish your school reading book read a book from home, or you could even listen to  an audio book. 


Practise forming your letters correctly and the handwriting joins on the handwiting paper using the handwriting guide in the documents section. 

For more information on the Year 3 Autumn term curriculum, please see the documents below:

Children in Need 2024

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