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The Governing Body at Thornton Hough Primary School

The role of Governors covers three interwoven strands, defined by Government legislation:

  • To provide a largely strategic role in the running of the school
  • To act as a critical friend to the school
  • To ensure accountability of the governing body to the parents and of the headteacher to the governing body

Governors see themselves as part of the team which shares the responsibility of the school. They are prepared to provide time and commitment to the school and ask the questions that facilitate decision making and accountability in the school. 

The Governing Body has a number of responsibilities:

  • Developing and reviewing a range of written policies and procedures to address both statutory requirements and local priorities.
  • Delegates many of its responsibilities to committees.
  • Contributing to and reviewing the school development (improvement) plan and using this document as one of the key resources for setting priorities and monitoring impact.
  • Using a combination of reports, visits, analysis of results together with other activities and information to monitor the progress of the school.

At Thornton Hough Primary School the governing body consists of

  • Parent Governors  - elected from the parents of the school by the parents
  • Staff Governors  - elected by the school staff
  • Head Teacher
  • A Local Authority (LA) Governor
  • Co-opted Governors who have been appointed by the Governing Body for their skills and experience.

 The Full Governing Body meets once a term.  Where possible, responsibilities of the Governing Body are delegated to committees, which deal with specific issues relating to Strategy, Standards, Assets and Pay and Personnel. Every Governor is a member of at least one of the committees, which meet regularly and feed back to the full Governing Body.

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