Welcome to Foundation Two for 2024-25
Autumn Term
Welcome to F2 children and families! It has been lovely to welcome the children to their first term at school, ready for the opportunities and experiences that await them.
Reminders for Autumn Term
- Please send in a pair of wellies for your child to keep in school if you have not already done so.
- As we know, the Great British weather can be very unpredictable! Please send in a raincoat into school with your child each day.
- Children will be given fresh fruit or vegetables as a snack each morning. We have water bottles for them in school so they do not need to bring in one from home. -If you would like your child to have milk in school, please make sure you have registered on the Coolmilk website so that the milk is sent with the order.
- Our PE day this half term will be Tuesday. P.E kits will be kept in school until half term.
Key Dates for this term:
Tues 17th Sept Curriculum Meeting for F2 (Reception) Parents -5pm
Thurs 26th Sept PTA Annual General Meeting – 5pm
Wed 2nd Oct Parents online safety session – 4.00 pm – 4.45 pm (link to follow)
Tues 15th Oct Parents Evening 3:30-6:30pm
Wed 16th Oct Parents Evening 3:30-6:30pm
Fri 25th Oct Break up for Half Term
Mon 4th November Children return to school
Mon 4th November Flu Nasal Vaccination
Wed 6th November Individual and sibling school photographs with Tempest Photography
W/c Mon 11th Nov Anti-bullying Week
W/c 18th Nov Book Fair Week
Fri 6th Dec (tbc) PTA Christmas Fair
Fri 13th Dec Christmas Jumper Day and Lapland Run
Tues 17th Dec Christmas Play – 2pm Wed 18th Dec Christmas Play - 2pm and 6:30pm
Thurs 19th Dec Christmas Dinner
Fri 20th Dec Christmas Assembly in Church – 9:15am
Fri 20th Dec Christmas Party pm
Fri 20th Dec Break up for Christmas
Please find below information about our curriculum for the Autumn term. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.
7 Golden Rules
Our whole school behaviour policy applies in F2. Our golden, blue and red bears represent the 'golden zone', 'warning zone' and 'time out zone' for the children in F2.
Daily Essentials: (Resources to support some of these tasks can be found below)
- Reading: Please spend time reading with your child everyday. Encourage them to spot tricky words within a text. Can they predict what might happen next? Can they use the pictures to discuss how characters are feeling? Can they use the pictures to describe the setting? Encourage your child to use positional language and adjectives to extend their vocabulary. For some suggested to books to read with your child, please follow the link below:
Please find below a selection of resources that you may wish to use to support your child's learning at home:
Phonics and Writing Resources:
Maths Resources: