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Welcome to Year 6


Autumn Term Headlines

  • Please see our Curriculum Leaflet for details of our curriculum this term (attached below). 
  • Reading books and red reading records are to be in school everyday please.
  • PE kits are to be in school everyday. Our PE lessons this half term are on Monday and Tuesdays (swimming), however these may change on occasions.
  • Water bottles to be brought into school everyday.  
  • Fruit or vegetables can be brought in to be eaten for snack at morning playtime.  

Key Dates

Tuesday 10th September-Year 6 welcome meeting for parents 

Tuesday 10th September- Swimming starts for Year 6

Monday 16th September -11+ Test

Friday 4th October - Harvest Assembly (9:15 am)

Tues 15th October- Parents Evening 3:30-6:30pm

Wednesday 16th October -Parents Evening 3:30-6:30pm

Thursday 31st October- Y6 Secondary Preferences to be submitted to LA by this date


Monday 4th November- Flu Vaccination

W/b Mon 11th Nov- Anti-bullying week



Daily Essentials

Times Tables and Mental Maths -  Please practise your times tables and other mental maths skills using a preferred method.

Square and Cube Numbers - A big part of Year 6 is being able to recall Square and Cube numbers up to 12 quickly and accurately. See how many you can learn by practising some each day.  (For Example: 22 = 2x2 = 4      53 = 5 x 5 x5 = 125)

Reading - Please read your school reading book every day. Should you finish it you could create a book review to tell other children about the book. 

We encourage children to read for pleasure every day. Please see below in the documents section for a list of recommended texts for Year 6. 

Spelling - Please learn your school spellings which you will be tested on in school. Below there is a document including the Year 5 and 6 National Curriculum words. Each day you could choose a few these words and make a poster, acrostic poem or other mnemonic device to help you to remember the spellings. Try to choose what you would consider the trickier words from the list.  

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