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Welcome to Year 6


Spring Term Headlines 

  • Reading books and red reading records are to be in school everyday please.
  • PE kits are to be in school everyday. Our PE lessons this half term are on Wednesday and Friday, however these may change on occasions.
  • Water bottles to be brought into school everyday, they will all be sent home on Fridays.
  • As you know our British weather is very unpredictable, so please always send your child to school with a raincoat.  
  • Fruit or vegetables can be brought in to be eaten for snack at morning playtime. 

Key Dates

7th Jan - Children return to school 

3rd Feb- Children's Mental Health Week

14th Feb- Break up for half term

24th Feb- Return to school

3rd March- Book Fair

6th March- World Book Day

10th March - Science Week

18th March- Parents Meetings

19th March- Parents Meetings

4th April- Term ends


Daily Essentials

Times Tables and Mental Maths -  Please practise your times tables and other mental maths skills using a preferred method.

Square and Cube Numbers - A big part of Year 6 is being able to recall Square and Cube numbers up to 12 quickly and accurately. See how many you can learn by practising some each day.  (For Example: 22 = 2x2 = 4      53 = 5 x 5 x5 = 125)

Reading - Please read your school reading book every day. Should you finish it you could create a book review to tell other children about the book. 

We encourage children to read for pleasure every day. Please see below in the documents section for a list of recommended texts for Year 6. 

Spelling - Please learn your school spellings which you will be tested on in school. Below there is a document including the Year 5 and 6 National Curriculum words. Each day you could choose a few these words and make a poster, acrostic poem or other mnemonic device to help you to remember the spellings. Try to choose what you would consider the trickier words from the list.  

Making pyramids in gymnastics

Year 6 WW2 Experience Day at Tattenhall

We had a fantastic time on our trip to Tattenhall.  We learned so much about WW2 through lots of fun, practical activities.  We had the opportunity to:

  • Fly our own gliders into Europe,
  • Carry pupils and teachers on home made stretchers,
  • Launch the V1 rocket after establishing the amount of fuel needed for the perfect flight,
  • Experience the cramped space of an Anderson shelter.

Christmas Jumper day and Rudolph Run

This Christmas, the year 5 and 6 choir visited two local nursing homes to sing for the residents.

Year 6 got to watch a heart dissection today!

Come Dine With Me! Year 6 had fun preparing a three-course meal using the ingredients: peppers, salmon and pineapple. Mr Lowe tasted each dish and was amazed at how tasty it all was.

Year 6 Dance


We made a model of blood using food items to represent: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma.

Science Week

We really enjoyed working with a real scientist to look at different cells through a microscope and mixing liquids to make solutions.


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