Welcome to Year 6
Autumn Term Headlines
- Please see our Curriculum Leaflet for details of our curriculum this term (attached below).
- Reading books and red reading records are to be in school everyday please.
- PE kits are to be in school everyday. Our PE lessons this half term are on Monday and Tuesdays (swimming), however these may change on occasions.
- Water bottles to be brought into school everyday.
- Fruit or vegetables can be brought in to be eaten for snack at morning playtime.
Key Dates
Tuesday 10th September-Year 6 welcome meeting for parents
Tuesday 10th September- Swimming starts for Year 6
Monday 16th September -11+ Test
Friday 4th October - Harvest Assembly (9:15 am)
Tues 15th October- Parents Evening 3:30-6:30pm
Wednesday 16th October -Parents Evening 3:30-6:30pm
Thursday 31st October- Y6 Secondary Preferences to be submitted to LA by this date
Monday 4th November- Flu Vaccination
W/b Mon 11th Nov- Anti-bullying week
Daily Essentials
Times Tables and Mental Maths - Please practise your times tables and other mental maths skills using a preferred method.
Square and Cube Numbers - A big part of Year 6 is being able to recall Square and Cube numbers up to 12 quickly and accurately. See how many you can learn by practising some each day. (For Example: 22 = 2x2 = 4 53 = 5 x 5 x5 = 125)
Reading - Please read your school reading book every day. Should you finish it you could create a book review to tell other children about the book.
We encourage children to read for pleasure every day. Please see below in the documents section for a list of recommended texts for Year 6.
Spelling - Please learn your school spellings which you will be tested on in school. Below there is a document including the Year 5 and 6 National Curriculum words. Each day you could choose a few these words and make a poster, acrostic poem or other mnemonic device to help you to remember the spellings. Try to choose what you would consider the trickier words from the list.
Recommended Y6 reading list
Y5/6 Key word list